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I finished up on my project (at least by the time I submit this entry) and it turned out better than I expected especially since its not doing the weird separation any more which was my biggest issue and since I included the hover effect on the movies it technically counts as both projects (ironic considering I was stressing out over even attempting exercise 5). I'm hoping with next week ill be able to have at least a little peace since 3/4 classes have basically given us a pardon on work. I already skipped my Friday class to have a "me day" simply because I literally work 25/8 and I never spend anything on myself and plus it was a Friday in comparison to the middle of the week. The only thing Im dreading with these next few weeks is going home since this is essentially my tiny ounce of peace and quiet even with having roommates. My biggest hope for the summer is continuing this novel I was working on before getting sidetracked by school and work.