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Working on the actual project is way harder than I thought it was originally going to be especially considering I can't do my original background on icon overlay which is fine but it does intimidate since that entire studio class was just 3 hours of stress and staring at my computer screen lost. Hopefully, it'll be fulfilling in the end finishing it. Though I can only imagine if this is stressing me out this much, what are the other projects going to potentially look like? I got hired at a job this week (I think. They haven't called since I finished training) which means I'll offficially be working 7 days a week on something. How fun for me. I only have the gym championship left and then I'll have officially beat another pokemon game for the fitst time in about 7-8 years or so (with the first being Gale of Darkness on Gamecube). To end on a positive note, I did an outfit look for a separate project I'm working on outside of academics. I think it turned out nicely despite its dark nature. I'll probably edit out the background of the pics and put something cool and dark behind it like I've done with other photos. (I tried to add a back button to make life easier but github definitely hated it.) Update: After finaggling with this page, I have no idea what happened but it doesn't wanna show the photos lol. Oh well. Just imagine a victorian era vampire and thats the central idea.