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How do I describe this week...? Emotionally exhausting by the highest degree. Besides that, I didn't mind the coding we learned in class. I still need to catch up on Friday's portion of class seeing as I somehow overslept despite having a collective 10 alarms between 3 devices. How that happens, I have no clue but I wasn't going to risk the embarrassment of showing up to class with a mere 30 minutes to spare. I figured out my theme for the hyperlink project but I'm not sure story wise what I'd like to do. I'll figure it out regardless. Did you know that philosophy was math adjacent? Something I just learned taking the course this semester. I never expected to break down scenarios into non numerical formulas but here we are. Since dropping my class last week, my workload seems much more managable, there's still an assignment due every day but its not as straneous. With that out of the way, I leave you with a photo of Batman (Mcginnis) from Batman Beyond.