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Okay, This is my first official "blog entry". I'm a little nervous. I have no idea what to write down. I'll just start with academic stuff. Learning to code honestly wasn't what I thought the course would be about but I don't mind it. I tried to learn coding a few years ago and gave up so I guess I can finally fulfill that fantasy. So far, it's not too hard but, it can only get harder from here so who knows. I'm honestly a bit overwhelmed with how much classwork I have this semster to the point I've already dropped one of my classes to ease my workload. Okay, onto non academic things. I started designing a clothing website for someone and I was actually really proud of it's come out so far. The original name I wanted to use was oversaturated so I had think of a new one but I think it worked out for the better because I'm absolutely blown away with how the logo I designed looks on the website so far. I've made a few ads and things of that nature for another website but I don't think I liked them quite as much as I enjoyed how this logo turned out especially on the website itself. I think that's all I really have to talk about? I'm not quite sure what the word requirement is for these blog entries and I don't like to overshare. I'm interested to see where the rest of this coding goes and how it helps me in my art though.